As with previous clinics, the Interest Association for Water Polo Referees (BVWS) has again used AXIWI’s communication systems for the 2023 KNZB Supercup. This was again a great success. Everything shows that Axitour wants to ensure a successful event with AXIWI by facilitating the correct and appropriate technology. Premier League referee Mark Hendriks and international referee Rik Evers explained the match via the AXIWI AT-350 communication system to other water polo referees during the clinic.
As speakers, the two top referees focused on how the ‘on-duty referees’ tried to maintain control over the match. They also gave examples of how they would solve certain game situations, and specific rules and instructions for this season were explained. Some listeners were able to join the ‘line’ (via the headsets) if there were any questions. Others were able to listen and learn from what was discussed by Mark and Rik.
Coaching in the moment
The big advantage of this system is that you, as a referee coach, can provide direct feedback to referees during a match. Experience shows that ‘in-the-moment’ coaching is valuable for talented referees to learn essential lessons quickly. This would not have been possible without AXIWI’s system.
Sound quality
All clinic participants unanimously indicated in the evaluation that the sound quality was excellent and that the system is user-friendly. The AXIWI systems are recommended; they are very user-friendly. And Axitour provided good service with concrete work instructions.

The BVWS will use AXIWI much more often in the future!