Wireless referee headset
The wireless AXIWI® sport communication system is thé referee headset for sports. The communication system works perfectly for referees who want to be in contact with a colleague referee or sports official. The referee headset also offers opportunities for coaches of sporters and referees in several situations. To make communication between referees more effective, we introduced the wireless and handsfree AXIWI referee headsets.
And the communications system is very affordable: similar communication systems are up to 3 times more expensive.
In the meantime, our AXIWI referee headset system is used successfully in sports like handball, korfball, basketball, soccer, field hockey, volleyball, baseball, water polo, rugby, Ice hockey, floorball, Segway Polo and Lacrosse. etc.
Wireless communication system for referees in sports
It is becoming more usual having two or more referees during a match, even if the games are non-professional. To make communication between referees more effective, we introduced the wireless and handsfree AXIWI Referee communication system. And the communications system is very affordable: similar referee communication systems are 4 to 5 times as expensive. In the meantime, our AXIWI® system is used successfully in sports like handball, korfball, basketball, soccer, field hockey, volleyball, baseball, water polo, rugby, Ice hockey, floorball.
On the webpage for referees you will find more information about the AXIWI communication system for referees.

Benefits for refees / umpires using the AXIWI referee headsets
Quick decision making with the ‘open’ line
- Proactive game management tool
- Directly in contact with referees and officials
- Everyone (with an AXIWI) is live well informed
Motivates referee team
- Referees and officials are fully involved
Reduce faults
- Confirm critical game information
- Communicate fast and directly relevant information
- Players and coaches appreciate technology because it increases right decisions and the performance of the referee team
Development referees
- The AXIWI® wireless headset allows referee coaches to know what referees in the field are communicating with each other. And how to react to specific situations. It helps the referee coach with good evaluations and develops the skills of the referee.
Referee headset for coaching referees
The challenge of coaching referees (from the sideline on the sports field) without headsets is that it limits you in effective communication and coaching of the referee. With a a referee headset an observer can coach and support the young soccer referees directly during the game. Coaching with AXIWI is not limited to halftime, before or after the game. This way the referee observer can give directly tips about positioning and running lines, from the side line. Because of this, the young and talented referee learns fast about how to position optimally. As a result; they will get more confidence and develop their skills faster. AXIWI is the wireless referee headset for observers and coaches in sports.

Tournaments Abroad and AXIWI team up to drive referee development
01-10-2019 – Referee development is at the core of our beliefs at Tournaments Abroad: each tournament should act as a stepping stone towards becoming a more confident and skilled match official. This year Tournaments Abroad got together with AXIWI – specialists in communication systems across the sporting world – and thanks to this collaboration we were able to provide our referees with wireless communication headsets across a number of tournaments including the IberCup and Paris World Games.
AXIWI officially certified for the United States of America with FCC label
11-02-2020 – Since the start of this year the AXIWI communication systems are officially certified with the FCC label for the United States of America. The AXIWI AT-320 already had the FCC-label and now the AXIWI AT-350 has also the FCC-label.
From now on Axitour Communication Solutions can supply both models to the American market.

Socca Elite Refs Benefit From Elite Equipment
31-08-2020 – Recently there was a tournament in Belgium, the first international 6 a side competition to beat the pandemic. As part of the day, Luxembourg took on the host nation – both well familiar to the UK Socca family – in the Nord See Cup 2020. Two of ISF’s elite panel of referees, Ronnie Rutten and Jorg Oppers were selected to officiate the event, and like all our officials, they were kitted out to the highest specifications.
Rugby referee Jonathan Teppler using the AXIWI Sport 250 bluetooth headset while exercising
03-09-2020 I am using the AXIWI headset for both recreational and professional use. It is really comfortable to wear, especially during my afternoon runs. I love that I can listen to music and hear it when someone is ringing their bicycle bell behind me. The best part is that it is so minimalistic and stays on your head, no matter how your body moves.

BLOG: 5 Tips for effectively using a communication system from Soccer (Assistant) Referee Michael Osseweijer
In this blog I will try to give you some tips and trick for using a communication system in an efficient and effective way, improving your performance during the game.
Wireless headset for outdoor sports
The AXIWI headsets are widely used in outdoor sports. Outdoors you have to deal with different weather conditions. The AXIWI can resist light dust and is waterproof for a small amount of water. We always advise our clients to use the AXIWI armbelt. This makes the AXIWI communication system also attractive for several outdoor sports and activities.
Survey: Which possibilities does a communication system offers referees and sports?
Referees take more correct and faster decisions with communication system
In June 2016 Axitour Communication Systems has held a survey among referees in Holland. The referees who participated on the survey are active on all levels and in a variety of sports. To obtain the information we made a survey for referees who are working with a communications system and who aren’t working with a communication system: 105 to 419.
More information about the survey: Check the webpage with the main results, the Infographic and the official Press Release of the survey.
Customer service
Any questions? We would love to be there for you!
An immediate answer? Call +31 (0)180-691 400 between 8:15 am and 5:15 pm
Mobile phone: +31 614 16 45 02 (out of working times)
Mail to: info@axitour.eu and we will reply your question as soon as possible.