This article is written by Jelle, referee FCE TalentCup.
The FCE Talent Cup for U16 and U18 teams took place on 20 and 21 August. The matches were conducted in trios during this tournament, and we could use AXIWI headsets for mutual communication. These headsets allowed the referee and assistants to exchange information quickly and easily without being flashy with the flag.
Although I had to get used to using these headsets, it got easier after a few years. We always worked in the same trio throughout the tournament, and that’s how you get used to each other as referees and assistants. You know what information a referee wants to receive at what time. This allowed us to communicate more easily about everything happening on the pitch, allowing you, as a referee, to keep your focus on the game. For example, in offside situations, you no longer had to look to the side as a referee, but you heard from the assistant referee that there was an offside. As a referee, this tool allows you to rely on two extra pairs of eyes that, in addition to offside, throw-ins, goal kicks and corner kicks, can also advise you on violations or whether or not to give cards. This enables you, as a referee, to make the right decisions at crucial moments.
Jelle, referee during the FCE Talent Cup