Tour headset for factories
In particular work situations, work environments or work processes, it sometimes is essential to communicate remotely. Due to the type of work, the setting or hygiene restrictions it isn’t always possible to speak to each other face-to-face. It could also be the case because of hygiene protocols, during a virus outbreak, such as the Coronavirus. The AXIWI® headset for plant tours offers a solution in situations like this; where communication is only allowed at an appropriate distance and in a discrete manner, conform social distancing (1,5 meter).

The worldwide outbreak of Corona affected the economy hard and almost stopped it.
The pressure on vital processes in many countries has increased enormously, such as the healthcare and food industries. Excellent and clear communication is essential in these processes, but it isn’t easy because we have to communicate remotely and avoiding contamination risks. We like to think along with you to find a suitable solution for your communication challenges.
On the AXIWI tour headset for factories webpage you will find additional information about our clear wireless remote communication system.

AXIWI tour headsets for factories and plants
The food industry, the factories and production facilities are currently in full swing to supply supermarkets. The factories must also work following the Corona protocols, with at least 1.5 meters distance between the staff members. Also, factories often produce a lot of noise from the machines, which can be very noisy. The 1,5 meters and the noisy environment doesn’t make communicating with each other efficiently. Various factories already using the AXIWI® communication systems to facilitate easy and wireless communication between the staff members.
With the same system, you also can do a plant tour with your visitors to show how your plant is operating. Please read the references below how we support different factories and plants in realizing clear and wireless communication in these specific environments.

SanoRice communicates Corona-proof: trainers coach “trainees” in production environment with AXIWI
“We found the solution in the AXIWI AT-350 and use it specifically for our trainers and trainees, who are normally close to each other. By using the AXIWI headsets they can give the training hands-free, while respecting the distance measure of 1.5 meters. After the given training, colleagues can also work in a different place and still regularly ‘check in’ (read: listening in) to hear whether everything is going well.”
Tour headsets for logistics, transport and distribution center
There is enormous pressure on vital processes, such as healthcare and the food industry. The supply of the required products must continue to function. It requires well-structured work processes. It is essential that the people who work in this work as safely and hygienically as possible. Safe in the sense that pressure is laid on the work processes and hygienic by performing at least 1.5 meters apart. AXIWI® wireless communication systems can contribute to this throughout the logistics process.
In supermarket distribution centres, you can equip cooperating teams and forklift drivers with AXIWI® headsets.
During transport, you could let teams work together with the headsets during the loading and unloading of products. In the supermarket, wireless communication systems also contribute to safe and efficient ‘remote’ collaboration. For example, the service desk communicates quickly with the cashiers if there are any questions or problems. Or the team leader in the store can inform the warehouse employee of empty shelves; the warehouse can ensure that those products go into the store with priority. And all communication according to the hygiene regulations; communicating at a distance has never been so clear.
With AXIWI’s communication solutions, you ensure that staff can communicate easily and wirelessly and manage the chaos. It works pleasantly, clearly and with a (suitable) distance from each other; following the Corona protocols; remotely.

Brevé Tuinhout communicates efficiently with AXIWI according to the social distancing guidelines
“The wireless AXIWI communication system has proven to be the right choice. It is now easier and faster to communicate with each other. The option of setting up multiple radio channels ensures that employees of the mechanical wood production are quickly informed of the required product specifications. The sales department can also have contact with the yard to determine where a particular package of processed wood can be found.”
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Mail us: info@axitour.eu and we will answer your question as soon as possible.