“It’s an excellent opportunity if you get to use them in a team of match officials in order to help stimulate their development. They enjoyed using them a lot.”
Referee development is at the core of our beliefs at Tournaments Abroad: each tournament should act as a stepping stone towards becoming a more confident and skilled match official.
This year Tournaments Abroad got together with AXIWI – specialists in communication systems across the sporting world – and thanks to this collaboration we were able to provide our referees with wireless communication headsets across a number of tournaments including the IberCup and Paris World Games.

Develop communication skills
While it may be something a casual spectator is used to seeing on their TV screens, communication sets are sparsely used at lower levels – but offer an extraordinary instrument with which to develop communication skills across the four officials assigned for each game.
An added benefit came in the shape of the fifth headset – each set came with a total of five devices – which was used by our Observers to listen in and provide knowledgeable tips and advice after each game.

Stimulate development
Our Referee Manager at the IberCup, Football League Assistant Referee Rob Atkin, saw the referees benefit from the experience, “These are really good sets of Comms kits. It’s an excellent opportunity if you get to use them in a team of match officials in order to help stimulate their development. They enjoyed using them a lot.”
Tournaments Abroad would like to thanks AXIWI for their incredible support over the last few months, with which referees have been able to take another step forward in their careers.
Tournaments Abroad
Tournaments Abroad provides international experiences for referees of all ages, helping them develop both on and off the field amongst other officials from across the world.
You can read more on them on their official website: www.refereeabroad.com

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