Wireless communication system for sports
The wireless AXIWI® sport communication system is the perfect communication system for sports. The communication system works perfectly for referees who want to be in contact with a colleague referee or official. The communication system also offers opportunities for coaches of sporters and referees in several situations.
Two different unit types are available: The AXIWI® AT-320 for indoor sports and the AXIWI ®AT-350 for in- and outdoor sports.
The wireless AXIWI® headset communication system is the ultimate system to be used in all kind of sports. Both unit types have an excellent price/quality ratio. The AXIWI® communications system is very affordable: similar communication systems are 4 to 5 times more expensive.
In the meantime, our AXIWI system is successful and appreciated in sports like handball, korfball, basketball, soccer, field hockey, volleyball, baseball, water polo, rugby, Ice hockey, floorball, Segway Polo and Lacrosse, etc.
. Click here for a total view with all the sports and possibilities.
Wireless communication system for referees in sports
At an increasing number of sports, there are two or more referees active during a game. To make communication between referees and officials more effective, we introduced the wireless and handsfree AXIWI® communication system for the sport. Up to 5 referees can communicate simultaneously without pressing any button and if wanted others can listen to the conversation between them. There several options to configure the software in the units. You can set the system up in a way that you have a master unit with a fixed connection with one (1) or two (2) assistant referees. Other persons can break in by pushing the “S” button on their AXIWI® unit.
Max. Six (6) persons can speak and listen simultaneously. More persons can listen in if wanted.
On the webpage for referees you will find more information about the AXIWI® communication system for referees.

Benefits for refees / umpires using the AXIWI communication system
Quick decision making with the ‘open’ line
- Proactive game management tool
- Directly in contact with referees and officials
- Everyone (with an AXIWI) is live well informed
Motivates referee team
- Referees and officials are fully involved
Reduce faults
- Confirm critical game information
- Communicate fast and directly relevant information
- Players and coaches appreciate technology because it increases right decisions and the performance of the referee team
Development referees
- The AXIWI® wireless headset allows referee coaches to know what referees in the field are communicating with each other. And how to react to specific situations. It helps the referee coach with good evaluations and develops the skills of the referee.
Coaching sport communication system
Excellent and effective communication between a coach and sporter is essential to directly and adequately communicate instructions. With the AXIWI® communication system, you improve sports performance. The AXIWI® headsets are the perfect solution for good communication between a coach and sporter. The distance or environmental noises or other influences are no longer a problem. An additional benefit of using a communication system is that the coach and sporter can communicate directly, without intervention and interference from others.
In the following coaching situations the AXIWI® communication system will be very beneficial:
– Communication between coach and sporter during training.
– Communication between the coach and his assistants during a game.
-To become a higher level referee even referees are coached during a match or game. The coach sees and hears the behaviour of the referee in the playground. And if wanted, the referee coach can give instructions and advice during the game.
On the webpage for coaching in sports you will find more information about the AXIWI® communication system for coaching.

Communication system for outdoor sports
Coaches and referees use the AXIWI® headset communication units in all kind of outdoor and indoor sports.
For outdoor use, we always advise using the AXIWI® arm belt with the water protecting pocket. In this way, you can use both AXIWI® types safely outdoor. Find more info about fare arm belt by clicking following link AXIWI armbelt.
It makes the AXIWI® communication system also attractive for outdoor sports and activities like:
- Beach sports, such as beach volleyball, beach handball and beach soccer and all other outdoor activities.
- Watersport: communication between the captain and his staff.
- Cycling, etc.
Survey: Which possibilities does a communication system offers referees and sports?
Referees take more correct and faster decisions with communication system
In June 2016 Axitour Communication Systems has held a survey among referees in Holland. The referees who participated on the survey are active on all levels and in a variety of sports. To obtain the information we made a survey for referees who are working with a communications system and who aren’t working with a communication system: 105 to 419.
More information about the survey: Check the webpage with the main results, the Infographic and the official Press Release of the survey.
Customer service
Any questions? We would love to be there for you!
An immediate answer? Call +31 (0)180-691 400 between 8:15 am and 5:15 pm
Mobile phone: +31 614 16 45 02 (out of working times)
Mail to: info@axitour.eu, and we will reply to your question as soon as possible.